Frank Csorba Death: A Life Remembered

frank csorba death

Frank Csorba Death Reason:

What was the reason for Frank Csorba death? Frank Csorba died on April 22, 2024, at the age of 23 years old. His parents claim that as he was cleaning a gun, an unintentional gunshot wound appeared to have caused his death. Although they are still looking into the event, the Lynchburg Police Department has not yet made an official report public. To dispel any rumors that he committed suicide, his family has stated that they do not think his death was deliberate.

Who was Frank Csorba?

Frank Csorba, a graduate student at LU seeking a master’s degree in public health, was a mainstay of the University of Lynchburg Hornets cross-country and indoor track teams. Csorba was a standout runner for Bluestone High School’s Barons track and field and cross country teams before attending Lynchburg.

Since learning of his death, the Csorba family has received countless messages of support and sympathy. The University of Lynchburg athletics department was among the first to notify of Csorba’s passing on Tuesday morning.

Department Reaction to Frank Csorba Death:

The message went on, “Frank was a celebrated and decorated member of our track and field and cross country teams. He was a six-time All-American and last month, he and his teammates shared the NCAA distance medley relay title.” Lynchburg Athletics further stated that to assist the university community in adjusting to Csorba’s loss, the college is offering emotional support tools.

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Parents reaction:

After meeting Frank the weekend before, Alex and Jessica Csorba stated they had considered the idea that their son’s death was purposeful, which they could not completely rule out. However, they are adamant that their son’s life was taken in an accident.

Frank’s parents maintain that their belief that he had no intention of hurting himself has been reinforced by several things they have discovered since last Tuesday and things they knew before Frank’s death.

“I pray hard that no one ever has to go through, and I don’t care for what rhyme, reason, or cause, losing a child,” Alex said tearfully.

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